Beakins Great Mango Quest Walkthrough

for each level you are trying to get to the second branch.

1. fly around the branch to the second level
2. walk left, but avoid the venus fly up and over to the crackers then once the snake leaves fly to the the next level
3. wait until a banana has been thrown and fallen off... quickly fly up to the next level
4. quickly run all the way left and wait for three koalas to fall. then quickly fly up one level, staying on the left. another koala falls... as soon as it passes go right and wait until another falls. as soon as it passes go up to the top and far left
5. avoid the snake, just walk slightly right fly up and left to the next level
6. walk left and tap the beehive twice... it should fall, and quickly fly up to the next level
7. as soon as the animals stop taking your picture fly over to the disguise... the next part is a little tricky, on my computer you have to hold up and right while flying to get to the next level
8. wait until both bats wings are outstretched as soon as they close, quickly fly to the next level up and left
9. fly to the red button avoiding the frogs tongues... as soon as the disappear from the fly, fly up and left to the next level
10. fly down, wait until the snake has swung its tail then quickly run under to the next level
11. go take a drink, run back under koala, but move out of way when it falls.... repeat twice, until all are gone, fly up and over to the next and last level
12. wait for rock to fall, then run right halfway and run back left and fly underneath the branch to avoid the motorcycle.
repeat twice...a little tricky, but you will get it eventually. run over to the right and fly up to the mango


Beakin's Great Mango Quest

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