Cauchemars Les Aventures 3 Walkthrough

Third Episode about helping the Baron to find the 3 fleas and recover his favorite cheese.

1. Take string lying on the floor
2. Take key on the left of the bookcases.
3. Pushing the ladder reveal a new location on the left of the ladder.
4. Go to the arrow on the right of ladder.
5. Get Glasses on the table
6. Use String on the ink bottle, rescue the first flea.
7. Go back to Starting Scene and go to the arrow on the right bookcase.
8. Click on the Shining Book (Sun) to solve the puzzle.
9. You need to slide the square to form a picture. The easier way to play is to first form the top 3 column of the puzzle
After that form the 2nd column and you complete it.
10. The light will come reveal a jar contain another flea. (Ignore this flea first)
11. Go back to Starting scene and use key on the book.
12. And click on the arrow on the book
13. Use the Glasses on the Fat Cat, He will be scare off of Victor gigantic size
14. Get the feather in the book which is on right of the scene
15. Go to the left of the book in the middle.
16. Get the two eyes on the snow patch, small block of snow, black hat on the tree and the branch on the left of big tree.
17. Return to the Cat and go to the right of the book.
18. Get the branch on the tree to the right, a small wood on the floor near the branch, and the middle block of snow of the lower right of scene
19. Return to the left of book.
20. Put Middle block of snow on the Big Block on snow
21. After that put in the small block of snow, the eyes, the hat, the wood as the nose, and the two branches as the hands. Which cause a snowman to come alive.
22. Go back to the right of the book.
23. Click on the shovel on the tree, and the snowman will help you take it.
24. Go to the Starting scene and click on the left of the ladder.
25. Use Feather on the leg of the flea on the book, Victor will use feather on the flea, and the Second Flea will come out of the book.
26. Go back to the Flea stuck in the jar.
27. Use Shovel on the Jar and the Last Flea will come out.
28. Return to Starting Scene.
29. All the fleas will start cleaning up the place and reveal a chess. The Baron will share the cheese with Victor and he will wake up..

Cauchemars Les Aventures 3

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