1. click on the path and you'll end up on the pipe
2. click to the left of the pipe and you will move on, and over the wood, which will break
3. keep following the path round until you come to a broken pipe
4. click on the end of the part of the broken pipe your side (where there is no water)
5. click inside the pipe so you are standing on the edge, then click to go inside
6. you will come to some steps, go up by clicking on them
7. you will see a turning lever, walk round and click on the handle
8. once its turned, walk out of the door in the top right (to see the view of the dam and other things, click on the windows!)
9. you will come to the end of a blue pipe, go inside
10. you will come out in the water, click at the top of the stream of water to move on
11. walk up the steps
12. and the next set of steps
13. you now appear a plank with three cranks. turn them all by repeatedly clicking on them
14. make the rope fall by clicking on it and go down it
15. open the trap door and go down it
16. go across the bridge, up the ladder and through the other trap door
17. click at the bottom of the screen
18. up the steps and along to the left
19. go up as far as possible, past both pink belts
20. walk along the side
21. you will see 2 wheels with two cranks. turn the crank between the wheels
22. return to the steps by going right
23. go down the trapdoor, over the bridge, up the ladder, through the trapdoor and up the rope
24. turn the crank nearest the top (furthest right)
25. do the rope and trapdoor thing over to the other side again, back to the screen with the cranks and wheels
26.open the one you shut before
27. go round to where the 2 pinks belts are
28. click on the pink belt nearest the front to grab it, you will go up with it
29. follow the steps round
30. you will come to a bag, jump in and click left to move it, then jump out on the other side
31. click on the path behind to go round that way
32. go down the steps until you come to some pipes (when the rush of water appears dont worry, you wont drown!)
33. go up C0, and hurry up the pipe till you come to C4 and go inside to get away from the water
34. when the water goes, go up once then left until you come to a door
35. go out of the door and up all of the steps
36. you will come to A9, go inside when the water goes
37. go up, and up again, turn left at B10 and up the the top of A, where you will appear at the top of the dam, go left
38. turn the wheel and he will surf down the water, back down to the large water wheels
39. close the crank on the right (you will see an animation if done correctly)
40. then jump on the second pink wheel to go up and through the door
41. you will end up coming to a bag if you keep going
42. jump in and over to the other side
43. go left back to the broken pipe and inside to the steps, go up and to the lever (you will see water at the bottom)
44. turn the lever back so the water changes direction
45. he will then surf the water back home, where his generator now works.....HAPPY DAYS!!
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