Droom Walkthrough

This game has four different endings. Some of the are happy, some not. Two thing defines witch ending takes place. First is weather do you make it through under 50 clicks or not, the other is do you take the rope with you after you have freed the woman.

1. Click twice the poster on the wall. It should now be in you inventary.

2. Click it. You see a symbol and number upside down. Write the number down so you don't have to waste clicks to findout the number again. The number on the poster is second number of PIN-code (PIN-code has five numbers).

3. Click the small window on the door.

4. Watch down. Yuo should see an waste basket and ashtray. Click the basket to get memorandum. Then click the ashtray twice. ** By now you should have poster, memorandum and ashtray in your inventary (and mobile phone, handcherchif and lighter)**

5. Watch up and turn right four times. Now you should see an painting on the wall. Click it twice. It should fall off the wall.

6. Watch down. Click the painting once to get the hook and the nail. Then click the painting second time. You should see a symbol and number. Write the number down. The number is third number of the PIN-code.

7. Watch up and turn right two times.

8. Click the thing on top of the locker. You'll see a symbol and number, write the number down. The number is fourth number of the PIN-code.

9. Turn left six times. Click the ashtray in your inventory then click the small window on the door. Now the window should be broken. Click the broken window.

10. Turn right two times and watch down. Click the hook in your inventory then click the video tape. Now you should have the video tape and the hook combined in your inventary.

11. Watch up and turn left two times. Click the tape-hook combination in your inventary and then click the window on the door. Now you should have "the ring with a key" in your inventary.

12. Turn left two times and watch down. Click the glass.

13. Watch up and turn left two times. Click the key in your inventory and then click the left locker door. Now you should have another key and a pager in your inventory.

14. Click the lighter. It should say "When I lit the fire, I have burned the memorandum by mistake... etc."

15. Click the memorandum. You should see "b" and a number. Write the number down. The number is the first number of the PIN-code.

16. Click the pager. Click "Look at the messager". You should see "o" and a number. Write the number down. This number is the fifth number of the PIN-code. ** Now you should have FIVE numbers writen down and tape-hook combination, two keys and a pager (and poster, memorandum and ashtray in your inventary mobile phone, handcherchif and lighter) in your inventory **

17. Turn right three times. Click "the very small key" in you inventary. Then click the safe. Enter the five digit PIN-code then click the key (left side of the number pad). Safe should be open now and you should get "a round key" and "lingerie".

18. Turn left three times and click the round key in your inventory then click the right locker door. You should get "pruning scissors".

19. Turn right four times and click the window on the door. Then click the pruning scissors in your inventary. Now click the window on the door second time. The door should be open now. Now the room is filling with gas. If you waste too much time you will fall a sleep and the game starts all over. **Click the opened room if you want to take the rope with you. (The ending is different if you take the rope)**

20. Turn left two times and watch down. Click the handkerchief in your inventory then click the glass. Now the womans should say "... "It's an extempore mask. Thank you so much."..."

21. Click the lingerie in your inventory and click the glass again. The glass should now be empty.

22. Watch up two times. Click the trap door and watch down two times.

23. Click the table it should slide forwards. Then click the table again it should slide back to its original position.

24. Watch up and turn left. Click the locker it should slide to right.

25. Turn right and watch down. Click the table it should slide forwards again.

26. Watch up two times and click the trap door. The trap door should open.

27. Click the opened trap door and click "Escape"


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