Click the down arrow.
Click the table, then pick up the red stick between the chairs and the ashtray from the table.
Zoom out (down arrow) then go left 2x.
Click the books and pick up the magazine behind them. Select the magazine in your inventory and click "about item". Note the red circle on the right page. Click right page. A new window will open - it's the webpage that was shown in the magazine.
Scroll down to the part that had the circle around it. Look for an url that is similar to the one in the magazine (left page). Note down the 3 letters that are missing (given as "*") in the magazine url.
Zoom out and go left. Click the trash can, select the ashtray, then click the trash can again. Now examine the ashtray and note down the 3-digit code.
Zoom out and click the laptop. Pick up the small car.
Zoom out and go left. Click the clock and pick up the green stick from the right star-like hole.
Zoom out, go left, then down. Now click the right arrow and afterwards the stairs.
Pick up yellow stick from stairs then go left. Pick up mobile phone and examine it. Take its memory card.
Go left and click on the cabinet. Click the blue box, then the lock and enter the code from the ashtray. Take screwdriver and blue stick.
Zoom out and click the right drawer. Take flashlight and zoom out.
Go right 2x and switch off the light. Go left 2x, select flashlight and click the cabinet. Note down the 3 symbols.
Go right 2x and switch on the light. Go downstairs and click the car. Go right, then left 2x and click the laptop 2x.
Put the memory card in the card reader then switch on the computer. Click the screen, then drag the 3 symbols to the box. Click “Enter”, wait until programme is complete, click “Menu” and “Exit”.
Get the memory card from the card reader.
Select the car and examine it. Beneath it is a screw. Use the screwdriver on it and get the golden key.
Zoom out and click the down arrow.
Go left and click the grey panel 2x. Enter the three letters from the website, click “Enter” and insert the key. Take the car key from safe.
Zoom out and go left. Click the security lock. Insert the 4 sticks according to their shapes then insert the memory card.
Zoom out then click the down arrow. Click the car 2x. Select car key and use it. That’s it!
Il Destino
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