Jimmy The Flea Walkthrough

1.pick up scroll
2.go outside and click on bin to find razor
3.use razor on crack in wall so it breaks in half
4.go to lighthouse and pick up hammer
5.pick up model lighthouse. awkward to pick up but keep at it and itll work
6.open suitcase and take outfit
7.go to beach and use hammer on tree
8.take item that falls from tree (looks like little coin)
9.go to bonfire
10.take playing cards
11.go to town (stadt)
12.enter pub and put playin cards on table.
13.while in jail, get stick
14.a woman will come passed with a cake,when she drops it,get the knife
15.after the chatting,you will be in the shower
16.use stick on cold tap
17.use knife on prison bars
18.go to town,give half razor to guitar man, pick up guitar string he snaps
19.walk into shop,put on outfit (once in the shop)
20.go to apples and get apple
21.go to bonfire and use lighthouse model on it. thats the candy cane item
22.back to where you started (lab) click on chair in lab.

the end

Jimmy The Flea

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