Mystery of the Lost Tomb Walkthrough

s you approach the ticket booth, you should notice two things: the brochure posted to the wooden slats and a... key. Grab the key and it will show up in the lower right hand corner. This means it is in inventory and may be used by you at anytime.

Turn right and walk to the tomb entrance. Your first obstacle; a locked gate. Well, actually your first obstacle is getting some light with which to work. See it? Look to your left. Yep, click on the breaker switch and the lights are on. Now, back up and click on the lock, to your right. Now is the time to use that key. Drag it onto the lock. BINGO! Back up and the gate swings open.

Now, walk down to the end of the corridor. See anything? Of course, the crack in the floor. Well, click on the crack to get a closer look. Go ahead... click, but don.... WHOOOOOOO... THUD! Looks like you fell in.

Luckily you're a resilient explorer - a few broken bones and internal bleeding won't stop you, right?

As you wake up from the fall, you're staring down a skeleton holding an... orb? That's what it looks like. Also, next to the skeleton is a pad of paper. Pick it up first and read. Jonathon didn't escape the curse, but he did make the way for you to continue.

After reading the journal, pickup the orb and turn right. Yes, the picked away entrance to the tomb. Enter it now!

Look around the tomb. What do you see? Well, you should see a blank wall, a table, a blue stone altar with ivory lined holes, and several vases and urns. Click on the urns and you should see that one is holding a scroll! Click on the scroll and examine it carefully.

Do you notice a pattern? The only symbol that is not duplicated is that of Ptah. Note the position on the grid of Ptah and move to the blue altar.

Notice the marking on the ivory ball. Yep, Ptah! Drag and drop the ball in the same position relative to the scroll where Ptah was located.

If dropped in the wrong hole, nasty cobras bite you and you die. If you dropped it in the correct hole, you're turned around to see a secret passage opened. Cool!

Okay, step through the opening and into the next chamber. This chamber has a few more interesting objects. The item directly in front of you is a royal commode. Yes, I know what you're thinking, but go ahead and open it anyway. Hey, it's a strange version of Tic-Tac-Toe, right? No. Just make a note of the pattern and let's move on.

Back away and turn to your left. Here is a beautiful cedar coffer. Walk closer and click to open the lid.

Aha! A gold torch inlaided with semi-precious stones and glass-paste. Pick it up and you will see it in inventory.

Have you seen anything else in this chamber that is odd? On the walls? Yes, there are two wall anchored torch holders on each wall, but there are no torches in the holders. Go ahead, click on one of the torch holders to place the torch inside. Anything happen? No, well try it again until something does happen.

Yep, the blank wall, again, turned out to be another secret passageway. Let's walk through this one and into the newly revealed chamber.

This new chamber is very different from the others. Much more refined and polished, featuring two towering gold statues of a Pharaoh, a serene pool, and a star patterned wall in between the statues.

Turn left to look at the pool. Nothing there. Now, turn right and examine the star wall. Notice a pattern here, also? Yes, the number of grids matches that of the commode lid. And if you click on one of the stars, it slides into the wall. Humm... The circles must indicate which stars are to be pressed. Go ahead and try it using the pattern from the commode. YES! It drains the pool.

Back away and turn left. You will now be able to access the previously hidden steps leading to another chamber. Walk through the dark hallway and you come to a circular room. Once in the middle, turn around and look at all walls. Four statues are positioned in NW, NE, SW, and SE positions. Plus you should've seen another hallway leading into a room with circular columns. Try turning one of the columns. Now go back into the room with the statues. Do you see that one of the statues has been rotated open? Click to enter that small alcove and you will see a stone sphere with a chalked symbol. The position of the columns relate to the positions of the statues.

And if you haven't already, click on the redish altar in the middle of the statue room. This altar has four dials with symbols on each dial. Obviously you will need to ascertain which symbol is associate with which dial. The dial positions relate to the positions of the statues (i.e., the NW dial relates to the NW statue, which in turn relates to the NW column).

Click each dial until they show the correct symbols (solution is below) and it will open the next and final door!


This last chamber is obviously a sacred tomb, guarded by two watchful sphinxes and two powerful solid gold Anubis god statues. The sarcophagus is covered in gold and, as you approach, you see it contains the body of some ancient Egyptian. Walk closer and you will be standing at the foot of the sarcophagus. Do you see something on the end or foot of this structure? Yes, it looks like a large talon.

Since you only have one item left in inventory, the orb, place the orb in the talon. Something strange happens when you do so: light rays emit from the orb and instantly the wrappings are burned away from the mystery mummy.

You are now closer to the mummy and it still has its bandages, but... even they are coming unwrapped. Now this mummy's rotting and decaying skin is all that's left and nothing else is happening. I know you want to touch the mummy, so go ahead. Do it!

Oh great, it just so happens to be a mummy with an attitude. No, wait... he looks straight at you and then disappears into thin dust. And on top of all that, a treasure is revealed to you. He must've liked you.

Congratulations! You solved the mystery and won a nice prize (okay, so you can't take the gold with you).

Lost Tomb Game

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