-go to the right and click on the pot plant and collect all the coins (they won't come up in your inventory they're just points), click on the top left corner near the leaf and you'll see the gold key. get it
-on top of the shelves on the left there's a gem
-on shelf with the wine glasses there's a gold speck/nugget whatever you care to call it
-on top of shelves on the right -more collectables
-same goes with the inside of the yellow bin
-Filing cabinet - click on top and you'll see the smiley face and a gem, get the gem. With the smiley face you need to make it smile, eyes- big round eyes with eyeballs down the bottom, small nose facing the right and a smile on the face (i think). Key number 3
-use key in the 3rd draw of filing cabinet for yellow piece.
-desk, click on the shelf on the left and you get a pearl necklace (oh so pretty), now click on the right and you get a gold nugget,
-click on the desk and look inside both cups for more points
-now click on the left of the desk drawers and you should be looking at a hole where you can put the gold key into
-go through the desk drawers, only drawers 1 and 4 have anything useful, drawer four has key 2
- go right and click on the chair then click behind the desk to get the red piece and a gold nugget
-get back to the screen where you're looking at the chair and click ontop of the shelf. You'll see a remote. Change the top buttons to match the colours of the bottom ones then click on the bottom pannel for key 1
-back to filing cabinet. - key 1 gives you blue piece
-key 2 gives you gold coins and key 4
-key 4 gives you key 5 and green piece
-open the last drawer with key 5 and just put the pieces on the disc thing and that gives you another key to open the door with.
the end
Noobs Room 2
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