Esc Walkthrough:
First, go right, click on the book on the table, click the book again and get the small number 4.
Then, go to the left, till you see the drawers. Click on the small space between the left of the drawer and the wall, and you should get a piece of paper with a 6.
Open and close the upper one twice, then open and close the second one three times. (2/3, got it?)
If you did it right, a small paper will show up. That paper has the drawing of a chair, doesn't it? Now, where did you see a chair before?
Oh, yes, there is one by the table where the book was! Go there and click in the area in the chair that corresponds to the one with red circle.
If you did it right, you'll see a drawer in the chair (?!?). Open it, and you will get a piece of paper with 3 numbers: 3 2 6
Go to the door and type the full combination. You get it by placing both squares together, red with red and blue with blue. Notice that you have to turn the paper with the single "6" upside down, so it becomes a "9". The resulting code:
4 3 2 6 9
Type it on the key pad. It will go "ok!", then show a "1/0".
Get back and open the top drawer again. On the right corner (facing the bottom of the screen) there is a slightly red square. Get it, it is some sort of "brick".
Go back to the "drawer in the chair", and you will notice there is a red brick there. Well, place both bricks together (that is, click on the "empty" half of the drawer).
Go back to the door and click on the doorknob.
Ok, you escaped.
Ycc Esc
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