El Misterio de ChengLang Walkthrough

El Misterio de CengLang Walkthrough:

1 get the ammo by the plant
2 get the badge from in the plant
3 go upstairs and go into the bathroom
4 click on dude
5 then click on dude again and get key
6 then go down the hall and use that key to open door on left
7 then go into the other room and get disk
8 then go into room with computer
9 get ammo out of desk door
10 put disk in and it will give u the 2 digit number to use in safe
11 also get key out of desk drawer
12 then use that key in the other door upstairs
13 take battery
14 go downstairs
15 the plant next to that door should have some more ammo
16 use badge to open the one door
17 get more ammo from desk
18 then get gun out of safe from the 2 digit number you got earlier
19 then click on the blue little cubby door in the wall
20 put battery in there
21 go back upstairs
22 go back to the room you got the battery from
23 click on the power and turn all off so that no lights are on
24 go back downstairs
25 go back into the room where u have to use the badge
26 click on the glass window...she will break it and then she'll go into the next room
27 then click on the far container in the back of the room
28 then click on the blue wheel looking thingie
29 then turn it (does NOT matter which way you turn it!!!)
Now here comes the suckie part!!!
30 then a little movie plays and some dude comes out (i'm thinking it is her boyfriend or something...dunno lol i cant read that languange)
31 then you have to kill that dude...i've tried many times and i've not been able too. one good thing is when you die you don't have to go through all that stuff again it picks up where you died. i hope someone can make it through lol and put on here what happens after that b/c i dont have a clue.

you should have:
400 in ammo
1 badge
1 gun
1 key at the end
1 key to get into one room
1 flopy disk that is used
1 battery that is used

El Misterio de ChengLang

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