The Green Room Walkthrough

- Pick up the key infront of you

- Click the arrows at the side until you reach the book case

- On the top shelf, where there is a stack of books going (from top to bottom) blue, green, yellow, red, there is a small blue dot. Click on that. Also, take a note of the coloured books and their order.

- In the same scene, click on the light at the top. Click on the four wires.

- Click the arrows until you reach the frame with the chest in the right hand side. Click the blue ball and the key. Open the chest.

- Click inside the chest until you have taken two items, the plastic case and the straps.

- In the same scene as the chest, in the left hand corner, there are batteries.

- Pan round to the frame with the brown board and the 'lights'. Click the lights. Take a note of the number of times they flash. Highlight the following text if you can't be bothered and just want to know... 'yellow, purple, red, green, blue'.

- Once it has 'split' grab the clock and the electrical tape.

- Move to the door. Click on the straps and they will then attach to the door. Then click on the plastic case. This will also attach itself. Click on the door.

- Once inside the 'revealed room/space' click on the clock and then the batteries.

- Remember the coloured books from earlier? They tell you the order the wires go in. Once they have been inserted, use the electrical tape to secure them. Then click the green button.

- Click the hole.

Your out.

The Green Room

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