Ciao Bella - La Bella Romanza Walkthrough

1. The Reunion.
You have to talk to Ernie (coffee) - ask him, what did he buy for Carmie.
Then go to uncle Nuncio (Nuncio constructions - you work there) he will tell you what to buy for your sister. The gift is in Shopping mall.
You will have to earn 1 000 $ to get it. You have to give it to Ernie before Friday.
Remember you have a date, you have to look good - visit Gym to improve health and harmony, read to improve culture. And go to Da Teresa Restaurant on Saturday (after 5 o'clock). If you forgot about improving your life - you will look horrible and Elio won't ask you for a date.

2. The First Randez-vous
You have to buy skates in the mall (450$) and improve health - you have to be fit.
You have to get permit for building Joe Bernardino's house - it is difficult, but possible. You have to get a lot of money. You have to go the judge (Hotel de ville ) and mall - where you have to beg and bribe (with presents) Agnelina. You will have to beseech (church) untill you'll be blessed and get 1 000$ (you can get it twice) - to buy presents for Angelina - first the statue from Antiques (1 000$) ,then from Appliances - Air conditioner and Vacuum cleaner. You can finish level without completing this task. But you will get extra money and points for that.
Go For a walk with Maurizio - good for health.

Play Ciao Bella - La Bella Romanza

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