Ciao Bella - The Zoom Zoom Episode Walkthrough

Wednesday (Day 1):

1. To warn you, this episode gives away much of the adventure what Elena went through during the first 13 episodes.
2. Ok, to begin: eat at home as this will not cost you anything (to increase your family stats eat in the cafe upstairs that your father owns).
3. Go to the Mazda dealer and buy the car
4. Go to Nunzio's Construction (your Uncle's) to work as an accountant.
5. Go to eat at the cafe this time

6. Talk to your father, Eduardo and then to Maurizio (your cousin) & accept his offer
7. Go to the cafe & eat again.
8. Go to the gym & swim & bike.
9. Eat at the cafe.
10. Talk to your mom, Sofia.
11. Go to church & beseech (you get an extra 4 hours)
12. Eat at the cafe.
13. Go to the gym & swim, bike, sauna.
14. Go home & you can play around with things since you have energy. You can keep on reading, eating at the cafe since you have some money, & putting on make-up (& alternating this sequence until it's either 3-4:00 am or you're barely out of energy -- which ever one comes first). This is so you can build up your stats so you win the game.
15. Always be on a look-out for your progress on the meter indicated below. If the red dot does not disappear, then you have to perform more actions (usually different ones that you did not try yet before -- llike cleaning the house, but not the taboo ones like TV or junk food at the mall).

Basically, this is how you spend your days from now on (more or less) & talking to your family intermittently if you can (not 2 in a row or you don't get the maximum points. In fact, don't do the same exact thing like eat & eat in a row or you won't get your max. might lose points).

Things to keep in mind:

* Don't watch TV
* Don't eat fast food at the mall
* Don't do more than 3 consecutive things at the mall or else you get hungry (you must go back & eat)
* After working at Nuzio's you must eat before doing anything else or you get hungry, then immediately after if you come back you can work and then surf the net before getting hungry
* Going to the mall and getting manicured and going to the hairdresser gets +2 harmony each which is good after losing them to work

Thursday (Day 2):

1. In the morning eat and for the rest of the day you decide how it's going to be ran.
2. To help Ernie, get him to test drive the car & eat afterwards.
3. Buy the $100 wine, fruit, and fruit basket.
4. Try to squeeze in time and money to talk to Catherine in the cat-a-gogo and drive with her.

Friday (Day 3):

1. For the SUV sport equipment arrangement: put running shoes into pouch (left), tennis racket left, roller blades left, baseball bat left. Basket ball right (box), volley ball (white) right/next to box, skateboard into box, golf bag in the middle (flat) & skis not crossed but together next to box right. You can repeat this many times & eating lunch at your desk in between to max out your stats & aid you in winning game.


1. At around 18:00, go to your house and click on the car to drive to the inn.

Play Ciao Bella - The Zoom Zoom Episode

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