Heaven's Key 2 Walkthrough

1: Click on green bin and get letter
2: Click on the red drawer and get jar
3: Click on the yellow drawer to get the knife
4: Go to the photo frame and click on the knife- then click on the frame a few times until it comes off
5: The symbol should look like this "雨" to indicate rain

6: Click behind the drawers until you find the umbrella
7: Go under the bed and use umbrella on the diary then behind the bed to get the pager
8: Where the plant is in view click the carpet and get the battery
9: Click on the window handle then on the white part to get a key
10: Click on the locked draw next to the bed to show a safe
11: The password to this is 2793
12: Collect the item from the safe and click on the pager
13: Click the black square with writing and put in the battery and other item you just found
14: Depending on what your piece of paper said you should put in the password [i.e mine was pass= VIII which equals 362880. Or another one i had was I/V X 10v- V1 which equals 19988 and so on.
15: Now get some sleep and it should be raining! Put the jar under the dripping water and wait, then put it in the flowe pot. Do this twice to get one ring
16: Then click the umbrella and the "?" mark. Click to open it and depending on where you're standing the next ring should fall [mine was under the bed and behind the bin]
17: Click the carpet again and select the top option
18: Put the two rings in and then the password is as follows 4257
19: Get the key and click near the same place [note: MAKE SURE IT'S NIGHT TIME
20: Get the shoes and walk out
21: Choose the second door- top option

Play Heaven's Key 2

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