Love Story Walkthrough

1) click the telephone in the window so the woman won't call the cat into house,
2) click on the bottom of the pipe near the house so the first (right) hole will be filled with water,
3) put the cactus beside the window with the dog,
4) click on the little hole under the bird, so water will flush away the black cat from the garbage can,

5) when our hero - orange cat is near to the second hole, click on the lever at the bottom of garbage can, and it will lift the cat,
6) click on the woman in pink,
7) click on left blue window shutter,
8) click on the thread that hangs from the window,
9) click on the light blue cloud so bird will stay calm,
10) click on the sign in russian (under the woman in pink),
11) click on the chimney (but in the right moment, so cat can get on the smoke cloud),
12) put the ladder under the window with the cat mistress (you can do it earlier).

yeah that's it! some actions can be done in any time, some only in order;)
if you think that flushing the black cat was cruel, you can click the little hole under the bird again and get the cat back (after the orange cat passes the garbage of course)

PLay Love Story

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