Level 1 (Yellow Cage)
1. Click on second drawer and take blanket. Hide under bed 'til guard appears.
2. Attack guard with blanket and leave through door.
3. Crouch under cart and press black button near wheel. Move cart slowly with you.
4. Grab root and fling it. Sneak to cupboard and click it. Open it and take blue fruit. Cook will take you back to cell.
5. Move picture and rewire thusly:
Click on red wire and cut.
Click on orange wire (about half way across slightly to right) and notch. Click on red wire and join to orange wire.
Click on orange wire and cut.
Click on unjoined red wire piece and join to orange wire. Return to scene (2nd choice on list). Alarm is off!
6. Observe window and return to scene. Assault window with fruit, again, and again. Splat!
7. Wipe face and click floor between cabinet and bed. Place fruit there and immediately click on cabinet and push it.
8. Open 2nd drawer and climb up. Click on vent grate and push it. Enter vent.
Level 2 (Spider Room)
1. Click wire supporting vent. Break top of vent.
2. Click on light. Try to take lamp. It will fall and break plant.
3. Advance in vent. Break vent.
4. Click on pipe. Listen to pipe. Click on rust spot and break pipe (far left red gash).
5. Click on door. Pass through door. Enter door across hall (with purple wall).
6. Attack guard. Hit him in belly button and then half-way down tail on underside near where his tail crosses the keyboard on machine behind (tab works got to find sweet spots).
7. Click on guard. Click on debris on floor near tail. Will show a code (Copy it somewhere, might need it later. Can translate to numbers using keypad on monitor guard had been using).
8. Leave safety room and go to corridor on left. Click podium in front of frightful green beast. Click on post next to podium and take. Cannot take ball.
9. Return to corridor and use post on debris. Then use post on spider (web).
10. Enter the spider room. Use post on pipe. Keep pulling on post 'til you open pipe. Get in pipe and wait for air blast.
Level 3 (swamp room)
1. Click on fern and unroll it. Click on fern to climb on it.
2. Click on tree and cling to it. Click on liana and use it to get to vine on wall. Click on cocoon and take. Throw cocoon at "dog" plant, he will eat it. Take another cocoon.
3. Click tree, then fern, then small tree. After returning to small tree, click pipe and dry cocoon.
4. Click on toothy plant and throw cocoon. Climb down on this to ground. Click on pond and throw in shoe; this wakes the purple beasties.
5. Climb back up small tree and pull liana. When "dog" bites it, push it to the purple beasties.
6. Get back down and click on window. Pass under window and click on tree.
7. Pull on liana and use to fish. Cursor will be a "+". Put near base of center weed at base of tree and pull back. Put on your shoe.
8. Try to descend and the guard looks in. Climb tree and detach the fern by tickling it. Now you can jump down unseen behind fan.
9. You will see keypad with door to left and "booger" plant above right. Poke center of "booger" plant and it will move to show the code is a Palindrome.
Level 4 (laboratory)
1. Observe laser table/operating table. Click on left hook -- slides right. Click on right hook -- slides down. Click on left hook again -- slides back. Click wheel on faucet -- it rises. Click right hook -- slides left. Click wheel on "faucet" -- slides down. Click control panel -- should cut hook. Take hook.
2. Exit room and go to vending machine. Click on left
dispenser port. Take syringe with hook. Click lift/elevator and jamb with hook.
3. Return to lab and empty syringe into dome. Click light switch twice (bar above leftmost keypad). Click on big glow spot just left of dome. Take up DNA. Open dome and take up liquid. Do not do anything in between. Do not close dome. Make sure the posessions comment says syringe with liquid and DNA.
4. Click on door and go back to vending machine Click on round green hole and inject liquid. Take crystal from machine and go to monster window.
5. Get color chart from
podium in front of window and print it or copy to paint -- you will need it to communicate. Look in window and click on tail at bottom left of cans. Play hide and seek option. Wait and then boo.
6. Communicate with crystal using color symbols to make simple sentences.
Bleu/vert forte -- he turns black, then Bleu/vert fluo -- he turns white.
Brun/black -- he looks alarmed.
Brun/blanc -- he relaxes.
Jaune fonce/jaune pale -- he gets out food stick.
Juane pale/vert fluo -- puts rod by door.
Rouge/vert fluo -- he melts it.
7. Go back to the lab. Grab bar and push button on box with purple sign. Put bar in hole and animals get loose.
8. Return to hall and continue to safety room if you didn't decode the code from guard in Level 2. Use keypad from 'puter in safety room to decode code (the last symbol could be 1 of 2 different symbols as part of it is blocked by the tail). Go to mysterious door.
7, 11, 3, 5.
Level 5 (warehouse)
1. Enter doorway. Pull wire from keyboard.
2. Put wire in purple machine. Go out door. Step on green ray and go down into warehouse.
3. Go left. Hide behind
crate on right and tease critter in cage. He will spit and hit white box.
4. Return to central. Go right. Click on machine and throw luminous ball into bombs. Hide behind gray box. Wait once.
5. Then click on boards and climb. Pick up oval from box.
6. Return to center. Go straight. Pick up black liquid in oval/half-sphere.
7. Return to saucer. Click green button and enter light to enter saucer. Click on drink and add black liquid to stun guard.
8. Return to control room and press red button. You have 100 time units to get to saucer and start it.
9. Go out and toward door to hall. Run toward elevator. Click on light and jump for it. Click on box and run across boxes. 62 units left.
10. Jump on boards and slide across black liquid. Click on cart and climb it. 29 units left.
11. Click on control box and throw half-sphere at it. Click on slit in door to open more and wait once. Jump in. 7 units left.
12. Click controls and run toward. You will trip -- just click steering controls again. Vroom!
13. Coordinates are on star map from cage. Should've gotten it on Level 2. It will give you a choice to return to a level if you need to (then you have to play through again, unless you note your URL to return or have a parallel game in a 2nd window).
14. Just keep affirming the choice to continue and it tells the story of the end and return to Earth.
Play Zoo: Extra-Terrestre
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