Nocturnal Letters - A Dark Adventure Game Walkthrough

1. Click the diary and read it to get some background.
2. In order to leave you own little house you need to click on the Chinese Umbrella and the round table by the door. You'll hear a noise when you click these.
3. You can then leave your house and enter the main house.
4. In the first location, click on the item described as "some of your mum's stuff" you should get a flaslight.

5. Click the door in the picture in this location and you should end up in the dining room.
6. You can chat with your dad and Eve here and read the newspaper.
7. Go right and click the covered mirror, you'll hear the sound again.
8. You'' hear similar sound in the TV room when you click on the window and on the table in front of the TV
9. Work your way around the the kitchen. If you talk to your mum she'll give you a jug.
10. Again you'll hear the noise if you click the caged birds in the kitchen.
11. You can now leave the house and you'll get the choice of where to go.
12. Choose to go to the river and when you get there you'll see your reflection in the water which scares you and causes you to drop the jug.
13. Return to the main house and talk to Eve.
14. Eve will then give you the key to her room.
15. Enter Eve's room and look in the mirror (creepy bit!)
16. When you wake up, you're back in your little house.
17. Search the emptied boxes to get batteries for the flashlight.
18. Return to the main house and talk to your dad, Ben.
19. Go to the kitchen and search the drawers to get the cellar key.
20. Go up to Eve's room and take a look at Eve on her bed.
21. Go out to the Back Yard and get the CD which is hung up to scare the birds.
22. Go into the cellar and get the magnet and the letter. Read the letter.
23. You'll then get trapped in the cellar and some more of the story will be revealed.
24. When you're released return to the house and talk to your dad again. He'll reveal some more of the story and give you keys to his trailer.
25. Go outside (to the river) and enter Dad's trailer.
26. On the first screen click the circular plate at the back, you'll hear the sound again.
27. Click the drawer to find some knitting needles.
28. Get another letter from the floor of the trailer and read it.
29. Return to the main house. Use the knitting needles to pick the lock to Jake's room.
30. Put the CD in the computer to read some more about the story.
31. There is a picture on the wall in the room which makes the sound again.
32. At this point I then returned to my house. Upon clicking the bed I got the sound again.
33. Returning to the main house I went to Eve's room and talked to her, these then revealed the next section of the story.
34. Upon finding yourself outside go to the river for the next story bit.
35. You'll find yourself back in your house again.
36. Search between the floorboards to find the necklace your brother left you, this will then reveal the final chapter of the story.

Play Nocturnal Letters - A Dark Adventure Game

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