Reunion Walkthrough

1. Check under bed for screw driver, in the left corner.

2. Click the venting cover, next to the door, and use the screwdriver to open it. A couple of bright lights will appear.

3. Turn off the light, turn it on again, and chech the venting cover, a key should be in there.

4. Use the key, to open the chest. Take out the microphone.

5. Turn the bed cover, and click between bed and wall. the CD must be under the cover, take it.

6. Look in the corner, between the bed and the door. some letters will appear... ( D = H + i ).

7. Look, next to the pillow, to the left. You will see a black screen, click on it.

8. Focus on the Hour. D = Hour + minutes. ( D = H + i )

9. Click on top of the shelter, to grab a pliers (grabing tool). Use it in the corner of the carpet, right under the letters, to take it off. The arrow, will show you wich number you need. (Remember D = Hour + minutes)

10. Click the Dog picture between bed and shelter, put the first number of the code (The arrow under the carpet show you wich one is).

11. Click the bottom of the shelter, right behinf the microphone, to the right. That´s the second Code number.

12. Put the CD in the CD-player. click play, then stop, then play, then stop, then play... several times untill the CD-player's screen gives you a message. The number in the message, is the final code number.

13. Once the dog picture is opened, get the knife, and cut the chest you opened before, inside. You will get the computer disk. Use it. Click the mouse and you will see where to put the disk.

14. Click the computer screen, select the disk picture. Now click very fast, several times, the planet picture... You will notice that the yellow circles show you some letters. Read the secret message, and do as it says (click the number 7 on the keyboard).

15. A new Code is required, just put the old code, Backwards (first time DOG, second time GOD).

16. Get the torch (lantern), and put it where the microphone, should be. Turn the light´s off.

Play Reunion

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