Ghost Recon Walkthrough

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Ghost Recon Walkthrough
DavidJ’s Ghost Recon Guide

Tom Clacey’s Ghost Recon if an incredibly hard game but there
are strategies and tactics that work well. The following are the
tactics that I find work best on each level.

Mission 01: Iron Dragon

OBJECTIVES: 1.Take the outpost in the east.
2.Secure the Caves.
3.Get to extraction point.
X.Capture Papashvilli

The first level is one of the easier levels with lost of bushes
and trees for you to hide in. Most of the enemies stand out in
the open so you can take them by surprise!
Have two people on each team, stay as a sniper on Alpha team.
Follow the directions I give by using the map. Advance towards
the small bunker on the hillside towards the west of the
insertion point. Set up Bravo team in the bushes near by the
north cliff, make sure you don’t get seen. Send team Charlie
along the south of the path until the get to a big rock to the
south east of the bunker. You move past through the first two
clumps of trees. Just to the north of the second clump of trees
is a rock that you can hide behind giving you a good view of the
bunker. Take out the lone soldier in the bunker. This will set
off two enemies running down the hill on either side. Charlie
will take care of the guard to the south, the other runs along
the crest of the hill and is easy to take out with your sniper.
Move halfway up the hill, north of the bunker and look at the
cliff to the north. On it you’ll see sand bags with a guy
standing behind them. Keeping your distance take him out with
you sniper rifle. Advance all teams to that cliff and move up
the slope to the east of it and carry on east. You’ll eventually
arrive at the camp, which you have to capture for MISSION
OBJECTIVE ONE. You can do two things, send in all your people
and take it by force, which usually works or hide behind one of
the many rocks around the base and take them out with a sniper
rifle. At this point QUICK SAVE. Move along the northern ridge
towards the caves in the east. Now it’s time for MISSION
OBJECTIVE TWO. There’s one lone guard at the entrance that’s
easily dispatched. Then send all your men into the first section
of the cave to clear the two guards in there. The next bit you
have to do by yourself as your men usually kill Papashvilli who
you have to capture for the EXTRA MISSION OBJECTIVE. There’s one
soldier in the east passage. Once you’ve killed him move down
the west passage and sneak up on the one guy who’s guarding
Papashvilli. There you go that’s mission objective 2 and the
extra mission objective complete. But then you get attacked.
Four guards move up to the cave and towards the west entrance.
Make sure you’re ready for them. They each enter one at a time
so you can take them out nice and easy. After this move south
down the west side of the map. Pass the first ridge then move
east until you come the where the guy with the sandbags was.
Take out any guys wandering over from the west and move down
towards the extraction point. There’s two enemies guarding the
extraction point, take them out and finish MISSION OBJECTIVE

Mission 02: Eager Smoke

OBJECTIVES: 1.Rescue pilot 1.
2. Rescue pilot 2
3. Get to extraction point.
X. Destroy crashed plane.

The darkness give you the advantage here so put on your nigh
vision goggles and you can take them out before they get you.
You want one sniper on Alpha team and rifle men and support men
as your other five soldiers. Send team Bravo to the house with
one of the pilots in then send team Charlie to the Barn to the
south of the insertion point. You take team Alpha to the crashed
plane, and soldiers on the way to the pilots will be killed by
your men. Move past over the stream and hide amongst the bushes.
They’re a hell of a lot of guards by the plane. Lie on the
ground and get your team member to open fire while you pick them
off with your sniper. It’ll take a while but when there’re all
gone go up and plant the explosives on the plane then move your
team back to the trees surround the extraction point in
preparation for the later ambush! The switch to team Charlie and
raid the barn, which is relatively easy to take, and secure the
fist pilot for MISSION OBJECTIVE ONE and send team Charlie back
to the extraction point. Then switch to team Bravo. Creep up to
one of the windows and you’ll see a guard in the house, put a
bullet into his head. Then move in the front door. Look at the
stairs and you’ll see an enemy standing just round the corer,
kill him, run up the stairs and secure the second Pilot for
MISSION OBJECTIVE TWO. Start Bravo back to the extraction point
and switch to team Alpha. At this point a small ambush will
arrive in the trees surrounding the extraction point at the
north. Zoom in with your sniper rifle and take them out, don’t
let them take you by surprise and always be prepared. Once team
Bravo arrives you’ll finish the mission and complete MISSION

Mission 03: Stone Bell

OBJECTIVES: 1 Secure western pass.
2. Secure eastern pass.
3. Prevent breach of defences
4. No NATO casualties.

Prepare for your fist encounter with the most evil things in the
game. Tanks. If they see you you’re dead, as their machine guns
and very, VERY powerful!
Make sure you have a Demo man on Alpha team. All will seem
quiet at first but you need to move, as the tanks will arrive
soon, so get off the road. Go back and head up the south cliff.
Up here will be the southwest patrol, which you need to destroy
for MISSION OBJECTIVE ONE. Leave team Bravo and Alpha to deal
with that as you doesn’t have much time. Quickly move team
Charlie over the bridge to encounter the second patrol. They
move down the road towards the bridge in the north direction.
Use a machine gun to take them out fast. You’ve now completed
MISSION OBJECTIVE TWO. By this time the tanks will arrive.
Quickly get team Bravo behind some rocks and switch back to the
Demo man on team Alpha. Get out his Anti-Tank rocket launcher
and peek around the corner of a rock on the edge of the cliff on
the south side of the bridge. As soon as they’re in a decent
range, before they start firing, blow them up. They’re big
targets so you won’t miss. Next you have to deal with the two
sets of troops advancing up the north and south cliff. You can
either get one team on both side and let them kill the enemies,
one team with your help, and pray. Or if you’re feeling
confident, team Bravo up with Charlie on one side and deal with
the other side yourself. If Bravo and Charlie get pinned down,
finish off your side and cross over and help them. Once they’re
dead you’ll have completed MISSION OBJECTIVE THREE and the EXTRA

Mission 04: Black Needle

OBJECTIVES: 1. Secure Crossroads.
2. Contact NATO soldiers.
3. Get to extraction point.
X. Save NATO soldiers.

There’s a heavy gunfight and you need to get some NATO guys out
of there, who are taking shelter in the ruins of a building.
You want to use heavy gun power here. Use support and riflemen
and, as always, a sniper. On your side of the bridge there’s not
many enemy’s. Take out the guys guarding the south of the bridge
and sniper those on the north side. Once done cross the bridge
and get Bravo and Charlie to hide in the bushes. Advance, as
Alpha team, towards the crossroads in the bushes on the right
hand side of the road. There’s one guy by the hut to the east of
the crossroad and a couple of other guys hanging about. Sniper
all of them, remember there may be one or two guys in the other
buildings and that's MISSION OBJECTIVE ONE complete. Next
advance to the forest to the north of the map and head east until
you get to behind the building where the NATO guys are. Go in as
Alpha team through the back entrance, you’ll see the NATO guys
firing away. DON’T go round the corner. Peek out and take out
all the enemies. Note, there may be several shooting down from
hill to the left and the right, be sure to take them out. Once
done, talk to the NATO guys. You’ll have to bring down team
Bravo to look after the other guy. Retreat back along the North,
back to the crossroads. Unfortunately there’s an ambush. Take
all the guards out and head back over the bridge. Whatever you
do don’t just sprint for it, keep your ground and take all the
guys out to ensure everyone is alive at the end of the mission.
There’s not nasty surprise guards waiting back at the extraction
point, once over the bridge your safe.

Mission 05: Gold Mountain

OBJECTVES: 1. Secure bank.
2. Investigate crash site.
3. Get to extraction point.
X. No civilian casualties.

Your first urban experience. Guards hiding round corners,
snipers from the roofs and (gulp) more horrible tanks! Nooooooo!
Make sure you only have one guy on Alpha team. You start off
behind a building. Send Bravo team to the left and hold Charlie
back. Advance a team Alpha and move to the left of the building.
Hide behind the parked cars and move forward until you see the
door of the next building. There are snipers in the windows so
keep down and take them out first. Guards will pour out of the
building, mow them down with a machine gun and watch out for any
guys creeping up on you from behind. Once cleared you have
completed NISSION OBJECTIVE ONE. Rejoin the rest of the team
with team Alpha. Move forward to a small ally way. Before that
send team Bravo down the road to the right and left down to a car
park. In here are some annoying guards who could interfere
later. Go up to the truck and peek round it in order to get rid
of the two or three guards down there. Once completed move them
back to the group. Advance down the ally way and turn right at
the junction. You’ll eventually come to where the crashed
helicopter is. Shoot all the guys from the ally way or hide
behind the near by car and kill them from there. Once all killed
move Bravo and Charlie further back into the ally way out of
sight of the road. Get Alpha team to move in to investigate;
this completes MISSION OBJECTIVE TWO. Time to say good bye to
the guy on Alpha team! As soon as the mission objective is
complete a tank rolls round the corner and, very likely, shoots
your guy. We can at least try to keep casualties down to a
minimum. At that point witch back the team Bravo or Charlie.
Sprint back along the ally and cross the road to the embassy
before the tank gets round the corner and massacres you whole
team. Kill the few guards on the ground of the embassy and then
go up the stairs on the side. There are a couple of guards on
the roof. Kill them and rally at the extraction point on the
roof which completes MISSION OBJECTIVE THREE and the EXTRA

Mission 06: Witch Fire

OBJECTIVES: 1. Gather two sets of information.
2. Get to extraction point.
X. Destroy Sam Site

This mission sees you stealing information under the cover of
darkness from an old castle being used by the enemy as a base.
In this mission it’s important to keep quiet. Stay of the roads
as there is a truck with about ten troops inside driving about.
The first thing you have to do is send Bravo team round down
south, out of sight, to the hut containing the fist set of
information. Watch out for the two guards inside the hut and
don't ’ake much noise as it could results in tonnes of guards
coming out of the base to get you. Once you’ve got the
information send them back you where you started. Make sure you
choose a rout near to the edge of the map to avoid detection.
It’s a long trek, so meanwhile get teams Alpha and Charlie to
move up north to take out the Sam Site. There are several guards
around it so keep your distance and when it’s in view fire an
anti-tank rocket at it. EXTRA MISSION OBJECTIVE complete. The
blast will kill most of the guards but pick the rest off with a
sniper. When team Bravo has met up with you again move north
towards the extraction point, remember to keep close to the edge
of the map. Near the extraction point if a wooden building with
some guards in it. Take them out. Move towards the back
entrance. Keep teams Bravo and Alpha back in case it all goes
wrong. Peek round the corner of the entrance and take out all
the guards you can see. Pray that they don’t set off the alarm!
If things get desperate make a runner for the building to the
left of the entrance to obtain the second information. Even if
that soldier dies MISSION OBJECTIVE ONE is complete! If you do
kill them all give yourself a pat on the back. Walk in there and
enjoy the hugeness of the castle. Either way, quickly retreat
back to the extraction point and get in the small boat. How it’s
gonna hold 6 men if beyond me but either way MISSION OBJECTIVE
TWO will be complete!

Mission 07: Paper Angel

OBJECTIVES: 1. Plant explosives on first pylon.
2. Plant explosives on second pylon
3. Get to extraction point
X. Destroy camp garrison

Here’s your chance to blow up a bridge, but don’t think about
crossing it. There are loads of tanks making it suicidal!
On Alpha team have a Demo man and a Sniper. Head left from the
start in the direction of the bridge. There’s one of two guys on
the way. Proceed until you get to a slope leading down to the
water’s edge. Keep teams Bravo and Charlie up on the ledge and
move down with your Demo man. Head up stream to the first pylon,
there’s not resistance so don’t worry. Don’t shoot at any of the
guards or tanks on the bridge. Place the explosives on the
pylon. MISSION OBJECTIVE ONE complete! Head back. You’ll
notice a small ambush moving in up stream. Bravo and Charlie are
out of sight so they’re all right. Take them out with your
sniper. Gather all the teams at the bottom of the slop and head
down stream. Keep by the river. When the ridge to your left
ends there are some useful rocks to hide behind. There are
several guards you can take out from here who are hiding amongst
the trees. Move down stream until you cannot go any further.
Look to your left and you’ll see the base you have to take out.
Switch to team Bravo and send Alpha and Charlie back out of
sight. You don’t want to risk loosing your precious Demo man.
Hide in the bushes, as it’s dangerous to actually walk up to the
base when there’s loads of bad guys there. Instead get out a big
gun and fire wildly in the direction of the camp. This should
get their attention and send them running towards you. Now you
can take them out one by one. Once the EXTRA MISSION OBJECTIVE
is complete move across the river and to the left through as
small open topped cave. Continue upstream and round the bend.
There’s one or two guys hanging around here, but one again there
are some well placed rocks providing cover. Once cleared send in
the Demo man to plant the second explosive. MISSION OBJECTIVE
TWO complete! Now retreat back to the base and when coming out
of the cave, move to the left in the direction of the extraction
point. Leave teams Alpha and Charlie behind the ridge and get
Bravo team to run for the cover of the trees. From here take out
the guards coming from the direction of the bridge. Once killed
head for the extraction point, hopefully before the tanks have
time to react. MISSION OBJECTIVE THREE complete.

Mission 08: Venta, Lithuania

OBJECTIVES: 1. Secure Village
2. Destroy northwest tank
3. Destroy southeast tank
X. Save the tank.

Its time to blow up more tanks kill more people and generally
shoot guns a lot. Here you have to do quite a lot!
First you have to advance towards the village if you going to
complete that EXTRA MISSION OBJECTIVE. Use the buildings as
cover, as there are several guys you need to kill on the way.
Also a plane drops a bomb causing a huge explosion. Nice. On the
radar you’ll notice a green tank with a couple of good guys
moving down the road. You need to protect that tank. Get to the
village before they do and take out some of the enemies, you can
use the craters for cover. Make sure you kill the annoying
little guy with the anti-tank rocket launcher on in the building
on the left-hand side of the road, otherwise that tank in toast.
Once you’ve secured the village there are some tanks you need to
take out in the hilly areas around the village. Take out the one
to the north first. Approach it from the west, behind it, so you
can take it by surprise. There aren’t many guards around the
tank. MISSION OBJECTIVE ONE complete. Move on east until you
get to the edge of the map. Then move south. The tank it at the
top of the ridge so creep up the slope at the edge of the ridge
and blow it up. MISSION OBJECTIVE TWO complete. Move back into
the village and kill the remaining enemies. MISSION OBJECTIVE
THREE complete.

Mission 09: Blue Storm

OBJECTIVES: 1. Secure First Island
2. Secure Second Island
3. Secure Third Island
X. Capture general.

Time to get wet. Wade through mud and capture another general
guy. Woohoo! Quite hard this mission as it’s hard to see the
enemies, but as your colleague says “We can’t see them, they
can’t see us.”
Head left from the start. There’s one or two guys hanging
around a fallen tree on the way but aren’t too hard to take out.
Keep moving along the edge of the map until you get to the first
on the islands. Send Bravo team to the left and Charlie to the
right. Crouch in the water. You should be able to see the heads
of two guars just over the horizon. Shoot ‘em. Send in teams
Charlie and Bravo to take the island. Move in yourself and take
out any remaining enemies. MISSION OBJECTIVE ONE complete. Move
towards the second island. Notice the bunker on the edge of the
island. Shoot the guy in there and anyone ruining towards you.
Some of the guards here are very fast making a sniper very
inappropriate so use a machine gun. MISSION OBJECTIVE TWO
complete. Capturing these two islands is a very hit of miss
affair as your right in the open and they have the cover. Save
before each of the islands and if anyone dies just QUICK LOAD.
You’ll find the guy you have to capture just south of that
island. Don’t make the mistake of shooting him, as he does look
very similar to the other common guards. Next move east towards
the third island, probably the hardest of the three. There’s a
clump of trees to the north that supplies suitable cover. Then
it’s just down to your speed and marksmanship. Make sure you
keep the prisoner out of sight as the enemies have a knack of
shooting him all the time. Once they’re all dead you complete
mission. Time for a warm shower before you move on.

Mission 10: Fever Claw

OBJECTIVES: 1. Secure University Square
2. Secure Palace Square
3. Secure Cathedral Square
X. No friendly tanks destroyed.

Back to an urban setting. Fortunately you get some friendly
tanks to help you, but that doesn’t make it any easier. Here we
From the start follow the tanks. They’ll take out most of the
enemies. When the tanks stop don’t go in front of them as just
round the corner is a tank that’ll maul you. One of your tanks
will blow it up. Thankyou! The convoy moves on. Make teams
Bravo and Charlie go right down to the end of this road, but not
round to the corner, as there is another tank there. Back with
team Alpha. Go down the area where the first tank was and go
down the ally to the left, then turn right. You’ll see a tank
there. Use anti-tank rockets to blow it up, then rejoin with
Bravo and Charlie. The tanks will go round the corner and blow
up the tank and kill any of the guys remaining. MISSION OBJECTIVE
ONE complete. Go ahead of the tanks. Round the corner left. Go
down to the end of the road and peek round the corner and kill
the people who are close there. Then, this is important, sniper
the enemy in the ruins of the palace as he has anti-tank rockets
and would have blow up your tanks. Then wait for the tanks to
come round. Make sure you stay where you are as there is another
tank just round the next corner in the same square. The tanks
will blow it up. MISSION OBJECTIVE TWO complete. Follow the
tanks until you get to a place where they split up. Send off
Bravo team down the left road, as there are a few enemies, and
the rest of you go down the right. You’ll eventually get to a
square where a few bad guys lurk. Shoot ‘em but watch out for a
sniper in one of the building to the left. When I thought it was
all clear he alone slaughtered my entire team. Follow the tanks
round the last few corners until you get to the cathedral square.
Stay by the corner and blow up the last tank with your rockets.
Fortunately it’s too far away to see you. The tanks will kill
the last people. MISSION OBJECTIVE THREE complete.

Mission 11: Fever Claw

OBJECTIVES: 1.Secure entrance.
2. Save NATO soldiers.
3. Get to extraction point.
X. Save the person in the medical centre.
Another nighttime mission. This time you need to rescue two
captured soldiers in a heavily defended enemy base.
Move south from the start, avoiding the spot light, until you
come to a small building. Kill the lone guard inside. The
sniper the two guards covering the entrance and a guard
patrolling to the south. MISSION OBJECTIVE ONE complete. Go
through the door. Watch out for the guy at the top of the
stairs. Go through and out and hid behind the buildings. Creep
past them keeping quiet. Then lie on the floor. There’s a small
gap underneath the building that you can shoot through providing
brilliant cover. Once you’ve cleared the area go through the
door, up the stairs and through. Kill the guys guarding the
prisoners. Once you’ve got them QUICK SAVE. Go through towards
the medical centre with the team not looking after the prisoners.
It’s quite heavily guarded, but if you fail to get the other guy
out just QUICK LOAD and try again. Once you’ve got everyone just
go out the way you got in. Turn left and head towards the
extraction point. When you get close, watch out was there are a
few guys waiting there. Take the mountain and complete MISSION

Mission 12: Ivory Horn

OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy sub-pen 1
2. Destroy sub-pen 2
3. Get to extraction point.
X. Blow up oil plant.

This mission is incredibly hard. There’s guards every where!
Just keep your cool and aim well. The first guards to look out
for are on the boat to the left of the beginning. Walk along and
keep hidden behind the huge crates. Shoot everyone you see.
When you get to the open area with the big crane shoot everyone
and watch out for the people coming out of the warehouse to the
north. Just keep shooting, and eventually the flow of guards
will stop. Head right and plant the first demo charge. MISSION
OBJECTIVE ONE complete. Head up to the oil tanker thing to
complete the EXTRA OBJECTIVE. Watch out for any guards remaining
from the massacre you caused a while ago. Then head for the
second sup-pen. Watch out for several enemies guarding it. You
have to be really careful when going around corners. Once you’ve
completed the MISSION OBJECTIVE TWO head back to the extraction
point. Just keep trying at this one and you’ll eventually do it.
Good Luck!

Mission 13: Arctic Sun

OBJECTIVES: 1. Secure control tower.
2. Destroy plane No. 1
3. Get to extraction point.
X. Destroy plane No. 2

This mission is relatively easy. Move forward from the start
until you get to the end of the building on you left. Shoot the
guards near the big building. This causes guards to flood out of
a warehouse to the left. Kill all of them. Afterwards go up to
the big building and enter through the door. Kill the guards on
the first fool. Once that’s cleared go up the steps. You won’t
find any enemies on the stairs. Once your at the top shoot the
guard directly opposite the door. Then look out for the guard
round the right corner of the door. MISSION OBJECTIVE ONE
complete. Go down and out of the door you came in and turn left
and head to the warehouse ahead. Go in and dispatch the guards
inside and plane the explosive. MISSION OBJECTIVE TWO complete.
Go out and cross the main run way and mow down the enemies with
your Support men, looking out for guards hiding behind the backs
of the warehouses. Go to the warehouse on the right hand side
and enter on the right hand side where there are a few enemies in
a group who can be killed easily. Place the final explosive.

Mission 14: Willow Bow

OBJECTIVES: 1. Secure Eastern pass.
2. Secure Western pass
3. Take the hill.
4. Destroy the Russian camp.

Almost there now. With all the techniques you’ve learned over
the past 13 missions you should be able to complete the first
parts of the missions. No ambushes or surprises while you
complete MISSION OBJECTIVES ONE, TWO and THREE. Then come the
incredibly hard bit, taking the Russian base. There’s tanks,
machine guns and loads of guards. Make sure your properly
equipped and just go for it. Find out where the tanks are and
keep trying.

Mission 15: ----------------

OBJECTIVES: 1. --------------
2. --------------
3. --------------

No need in spoiling it. Having completed 14 of the hardest
missions seen in a computer game I’ve decided to leave you to
work it out for you’re self. What you say? This defeats the
purpose of this guide? Nope. If you can complete this mission
then not even all the guides in the world will help you on ELITE
difficulty. Well I’m off to get slaughtered 1,000,000
times……er….and then I probably get a bit of sleep (yawn),

Written By DAVID JACOBS (it's my own work)

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