It Finds It 3 Walkthrough

1.Railing on the right
2.Folded towel on right
3.Fence post to the left
4.Flower under Battery Park sign
5.Smoke stack middle top of boat
6.Window on left of building
7.Ceiling light on right

8.Moulding on right post in the middle
9.Window in middle left building.
10. left button above cabinet on the left.
11.right pant leg on front man
12.& appears between "cash" and "receipt"
13.grout line on pillar on right
14.leaves in the tree on the right by man left of glass window in right hand of man on left
17.light on building middle right
18.upper left windows in the middle fade away
19.lower part of bed spread on left bed
20.first curly cue on wrought iron of stair rail
21.window to the right of far left flag
22.woman appears on left side between two men guard appears at the door to the right of the right pillar
24.traffic light grows the Loew's sign a 5th light appears
26.street light on left side
27.crossing guard's right hand glove
28.boy appears in crosswalk on right next to man
29.above right NY sign a 5th window appears window on lower right, shadow on column gets longer
31.on the left side of street a car appears
32. car symbol in middle of trunk appears
33.left ear appears on guy's head
34.on the street sign the pedestrian symbol appears
35.graffiti appears to the right of left side door
36.lower right corner a lamp post appears
37.postal symbol appears on back of mail truck
38.2nd reflector light appears above Hannity's head
39.another spot light appears on the left after the 4th light to the right of the left black spot light
40.base of coat rack on right appears

Play It Finds It 3

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