Episode-2 Walkthrough

Go right click switch gate comes open then stops you will see a wheel and books click the wheel click the circle under the symbols to turn it on then click the left button 1, right 3 times, 1 left, 3 right and keep doing it until all the lights are pink and it will give you a key.

Take the chess peice while your there then click the middle of the books and get some paper I don't speak japenese so I dunno what it says. Go right once and take the chess peice in the small window. Go right again bottom part of bookcase take book, take note off of chalk board, take weight case off top shelf click the desk to zoom in take papers and ink, middle drawer take chess peice and booklet, bottom drawer (must have key to open it) take gargoyle, don't knwo what the typewriter is for go right four times to the scale again. Go to left side where pedistels are the gargoyle you got will appear exit out and go to scales when it shows you the weights it goes like this left, right, left twice, right, left, right, left and wala the doors open x out and click the open cabinet and get the gargoyle and put it with the other one, This is where I get stuck go to the left or right untill you get to the chess board if the puzzle comes up pink and blue then you can play it but I dunno how to so if ya'll want to give it a whack at it and succeed let me know

Play Episode-2

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