Master of Hobby Walkthrough

1. On the screen with the TV collect the doll which is on the top bunk.
2. Collect the two pieces of the robot which are by the TV. Be careful they are very small.
3. You can then combine the two bits of the robot. Click once more on the robot to reveal a battery shaped thing which will be one of the three passwords you need.
4. Move to the right.
5. Collect the magazine from the book shelf.

6. Collect the box of tissues from the bag.
7. Highlight the box of tissues and then remove them all (there are lots so be patient) and collect the eraser.
8. Go to the right. Use the eraser on the graffiti on the wall to reveal a code.
9. You'll now be able to open the magazine to other pages to reveal another password.
10. Pick up the CD that's underneath the Fax machine.
11. Go to the right.
12. Collect the heart toy that's in the bed covers.
13. Click the box underneath the bed and collect the game-boy type game.
14. Take a note of the buttons on the right hand side of the game-boy. You'll need to know this for your passwords.
15. Click the game-boy to turn it over and remove the battery from the back.
16. In the corner of the top bunk you'll find a battery under the mattress.
17. Click on the doll, turn it over and open the battery compartment. Inset the two batteries, click the belt and the final password will be revealed.
18. Put the CD into the computer and then click the screen.
19. Click the CD icon and you'll be asked for the first password.
20. The first password is the one in the magazine. Use the colours with the symbols on the game boy to turn the squares to the correct colours.
21. The second password is the one on the robot that turned into a battery looking thingy.
22. Password three is the one on the shield of the doll.
23. You'll then get access to 5 photos.
24. Photo 4 shows the position of the hands you should move them to on the heart shaped toy.
25. When you'll lined up the hand correct the top opens and reveals a blue sword.
26. Drag the sword into one of the holes in the side of the deer/cat headed toy and the top will pop off and give you a key.
27. Use the key on the door and hey presto, the author is there to greet you!

Play Master of Hobby

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