Angeles y Demonios Walkthrough

Usuario - User
Contraseña - Password
Entrar - Enter

- Si es la primera vez que visitas este lugar... - If this is the first time you visit this place...
You must select "Crear nuevo Usuario" (create new user)

- Usuario - User
Contraseña - Password
Repetir Contraseña - Repeat Password

- Selecciona el lugar al que deseas acceder - Select the place you wish to go to

- Big red letters "No Disponible" - Not Available
Big green letters "Entrar" - Enter

- Capitulo 1 - Chapter 1
La sala de Seguridad - Security Room

Te sientes aturdido y algo mareado... No recuerdas absolutamente nada... ¿Quien soy? ¿Que lugar es este? - You're feeling confused and somehow dizzy... You can't remember anything at all... Who am I? What's this place?
Deberia intentar salir de aqui y averigüar que esta pasando - I should be trying to get out of here and find out what's happening

The screen has the "main window" where the story happens, the chat window in the upper part (message - Chat: When you're chatting just write your message in here and press enter). On the right side we have the communication device, with a few names (I believe they're the players ^^;;;). When someone wants to talk to you a small grey window will pop up with the message "-Name- quiere hablar contigo - Aceptar/Rechazar" (-Name- wants to talk to you - Accept/Refuse). In the lower part you have five buttons. From left to right: PDA, Search (takes you to Google Spain), Contact (with a friend), Compass (in the first room it says you don't need it) and menu, which takes you to the login screen.

Now we're in a room with a few computers. If you go look at the grid: Es una rejilla de ventilacion. No consigues moverla, esta soldada firemente a la pared. Parece que por aqui ha entrado algo mas que aire corriente. Aunque despierto, te sientes extraño./It's a ventilation grid. You cannot move it, it's firmly welded to the wall. It seems that something more than air has passed through here. Though awake, you're feeling strange.

If you go look at the mic: Hablas por el microfono, pero nadie responde. Quizas deberias usar tu comunicador personal./You talk through the microphone, but no one replies. Maybe you should try using your personal communicator.

When you get to the phone, it says "es inutil, no hay tono... deben haber cortado la linea desde el exterior" - Useless, no line... someone must have shut off the line from the outside.

The little black button with the message "Volver" is the Return button.

When you get to the middle computer, it says "Has encendido la computadora" (You turned the computer on). This makes me think it probably wasn't a spanish person the one who did this, since spanish use "ordenador" and south-americans use "computadora"...

Now, if you click on the screen after turning it on, you'll get a message that says:

Perdida de energia del sistema eléctrico...
Apertura de puertas no responde...

Terminal 05
Centro de control de segridad Zeus
Intruduzca su clave de acceso

Which is:

Electric system energy losing...
Door opening system doesn't respond...

Temrinal 05
Security Control Center Zeus
Enter you access code:

Then down you have a text that says:

Comienzas a recordar algo... ¿Como se llamaba aquel brillante fisico del CERN?

Meaning: You're starting to remember something... What was the name of that brilliant CERN's physic? Answer, just in case, is Leonardo Vetra.

Hay una perdida de potencia en el sistema electrico... y el sistema de apertura electronica no tiene energia.
Si quieres salir de aqui tendras que dejar sin energia otras aread de la instalacion y redirigirla a esta zona.

Energy failure in the electric system... And the electronic opening system has no energy either. If you want to get out of here you'll have to steal energy from other areas of the building and redirect it to this zone (zone 5)

Question, from 1 to 5:

Que es un LHC/What's an LHC - large hadron collider

Que se utilizo para acelerar las particulas en el CERN/What was used to accelerate particles in CERN - xenon

Cual es el numero atomico del xenon/Xenon's atomic number - 54

Que se genera al entrar en contacto una particula de materia y otra de antimateria/What does it generate when a materia particle and an antimateria particle meet? - fotones

Que pretendia demostrar el experimento de Leonardo Vetra/What did Leonardo Vetra's experiment intend to prove? - genesis

Has encontrado un documento en la computadora que parece interesante, lo has copiado en tu PDA.../You found an interesting document in the computer and you copied it to your PDA...

Play Angeles y Demonios

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