Astaroth Escape Walkthrough

1) Click on the Vase twice and it will explode
2) Click on the vase pieces and the desk explodes
3) Click behind the desk and get wooden plank
4) Click closeup on the three buttons, then click the wood and click any button and a secret panel opens and a blue looking cat comes out

5) Click on the blue cat and get a blow up looking doll
6) click on the right upper leg of the dool to reveal symbols.
7) Click on the right nipple of the doll and the head explodes
8) Click back to where the leg writing was and now there is a pencil
9) Click back to the main screen, click on the white symbols on the wall
10)Click the pencil and click above the white letters to reveal one black character. Panning back shows you a stick figure, probably you, writing with the pencil
11) Click on the left leg now coming out of the doll and the closeup reveals a key
12) Get the key and go back to the main screen and click the key and then the top drawer. The stick figure goes over to it and some blood starts leaking from the hole above the colored buttons
13) Click on the blood and the stick guy goes over to it with an exclaimation point above his head and some other dude appears
14) Click on the dude and he throws some knives at you and almost kills you to the CSI theme music
15) Now you are seemingly back to start with the stick guy
16) click the vase with the flower and get it.
17) click the vase and then the blood and you take the flower out and put the vase to catch the blood
18) Click the flower to "get it."
19) The next part is a little cloudy, but if you click behind the desk, there is a key. You can't reach it, but if you click the flower and then the colored buttons and go back, now you can reach it. Odd, but so is the game
20) Use the key on the drawer and get a chicken, of course.
12) Click on the chicken and they multiply and knock you down
13) Click on the drawer and get a cell phone
14) Click the phone and click the guy and you make a call which opens up the ceiling and drops a rabbit. What else were you expecting at this point
15) Click on the rabbit and a giant beak comes and eats the rabbit and the stick figure looks confused, and he's not the only one
16) If you look close you will see some white writing on the desk on the top. CLik it and it pulls into the wall and reveals a giant keyhole.
17) If you click back and forth and around the guy and keyhole to the right you will get a lighter
18) Give the lighter to the dude and watch the animation. The Bizzare ending has arrived.

Play Astaroth Escape

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