Escape Culver 2 - Escape the Health Center Walkthrough

Take note 1
Turn right twice, take yellow key from under pillow
Exit room, enter room 2
Take wrench from bed frame
Exit room, turn right
Click on table, take purple bulb from drawer
Open door with blue windows, go down

Take ID card from under chair
Don’t go past nurse room, or she will see you!
Go back upstairs, pass two rooms
Take blue acid from cart, advance down hallway
Take piece of paper 1 and battery from left closet
Click table, take note 2 from drawer
Return to room 1, turn right twice, enter bathroom
Use wrench on pipe
Flush toilet, take red box
Click on red box, open with yellow key
Take piece of paper 2
Exit bathroom, use purple bulb in lamp
Plug in lamp, click purple light
Use blue acid on X, take piece of paper 3
Exit room, turn right, go down hallway
Click laundry shoot, click lock
Enter code from 3 papers (always different!)
Go down shoot
Take lighter, sodium from mixing table
Turn right, take blue water
Click on cabinet, open right side
Take purple dissolver
Return to mixing table, put water on table
Add sodium to water
Add dissolver to water
Take silver key
Turn right, use lighter on string
Go back upstairs, go down hallway and around the corner to the right
Use silver key on locked brown door
Go downstairs
Take drill from left closet
Click on left hallway, take green key
Go back and click on right side for elevator
Use ID card in elevator
Go up elevator to dirt room
Turn on light, take sledge hammer
Use green key in hole
Click battery, combine with drill
Drill spots that the lights are pointing to
Use sledgehammer on wall a few times
You’re out!

Play Escape Culver 2 - Escape the Health Center

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