Kazahana - Leo Himura's No Exit Walkthrough

1: get the towl and the soap from the shelf, then get the hose.

2: there is a yellow wash bowl on the floor click just above it where there is a little pink smudge, you should now have the body wash.

3: use the body wash on the tap and get the knob.

4: the clues for the code to the safe are in the price list but to make it simple im just gonna give you the code--> 1545 <--

5: open the safe and get the datapad and sissors.

6: use the sissors on the wooden tub just where the little crack is and you will make a hole.

7: put the hose in the hole, zoom in to the tub and put the knob on the end of the hose that is in the tub.

8: zoom out to view of the tub and put the body wash at the base of the tub, now click the hose and you will move the tub.

9: click on the white pannel behind the tub and you will zoom in, you will see a wrench, take it.

10: go back to the tap (where you got the knob) and use the wrench on it, you will now have a key.

11: use the key on the door,you are in a small toilet, get the rubber teddy and put it in the toilet bowl, now click the top of the toilet to get the slingshot.

12: combine the soap and slingshot,
now aim the slingshot at the light bulb.

13: go back to the toilet, there is a blue square, click it or use the wrench on it and you'll get the samurai sword.

14: now cut the pipe behind the toilet with the sword, the room will flood and you are out!

Play Kazahana - Leo Himura's No Exit

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