Odubang 1 Walkthrough

level 1:
1. click the handle twice
2. click the floor under the place where you stand
3. click the ceiling at the right from the place where you stand

level 2:
1. click the other side of the bridge
2. click the bridge at the place where the lines come together

3. click the ceiling 3 times. Start above the person and then click to the right.
4. stamp 2 times on the ground
5. fast click into the corridor

level 3:
1. pick up the thing on the ground
2. look at the lines at the wall. click the place that is missing part of the line
3. remove the screws and click again.
4. play the game (use the arrow tools, get close to the other person and then click "a")
5. click the bullet
6. click the grey rectangle above the person

level 4
1. click the ground under the person, then click in the corner right above near the ceiling.
2. click at the ground left twice
3. click the box


Play Odubang 1

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