Rulumomo Garden Walkthrough

1) go to the room on the right
2) get the papers out the orange cabinet, the yellow medal out the top drawer and the tongs out the brazier
3) look under the rug for the metal plate, and click the long picture on the wall... use the tong to open to get the doll head

4)go to the room on the right and get the items out the cabinet and there are two items in the stack up boxes on the right
(doll leg, green medal, doll arm, metallic pot)
5) go to the rcom on the right and click the left side of the folding screen ... you eill find the purple medal
6)in the next room on the right get the ignition medicine off the shelf and on the bottom self click the fourth book for the left to find the matches, keep searching the books on top shelf til u find a blank piece of paper
7)click on the left side of the bookcase and u will see a black gem ... use the tongs to get it
8) in the next room on the right... get the other black gem from the wooden cabinet, an dthe crow bar under the window curtain
9)go to the room with the dog and then go to the room at the bottom of the screen, click the tea canister for the bear dance memo
10) go to the room with the rug, and brazier... use the crow to open the bottom portion of the orange cabinet... take the candle
11) go back to the room where you got the bear dance memo... take the candle stick add the candle and then matches... place it under the thing on the top right corner of the table ... it will reveal two number (it differs each time u play)
12)go back to the room with the teddy bear... use the dance bear memo to solve "step" means MOVES "jump" means CLICK and rest mean DO NOTHING ... if u still don't get it just highlight all the boxes in the fourth column the 2nd and 3rd box in the last column and finally the one with the whistle
this will get u the teddy bear arm
13)open the left side of the window curtain and click the teddy bear and get the blue medal
14) attach the arm to the bear, get the toy dog treat and baby doll body from under the cabinet the bear is on
15) go to the room with the dog and give it the dog treat. you will get a key
16) go to the room wiht the white and purple closet and use the key
17) get the work stand, the charcoal, and the grey medal to the right of the grey box
18) go to the room with the rug
19) take the metallic pot, add the charcoal then the ingition medicine and then a match ... but it in the brazier
20) take the blank piece of paper and put it over the hot spot ... it shouls say "RIGHT" click the note and it will reveal a number ... use this number for the right side of the double lock cabinet ... u will get a bag on sand? ... its actually iron shaving
21)take the plate and put the "sand" on it ... it will say "32" ... these are the digitsfor the1st part of the combo for the left lock...the other two numbers is for the lamp thingy you make with the candle
22) now u have the dolls other leg
23) go to the room with the teddy bear and use the work stand to look on the high shelf
24)get the doll leg and put the two gem in the two holes ... get the red medal
25) go to the bookcase and use the wok stand to get the doll kimono on top of the case
25) pu the doll together and put it in the doll case ( the room with the lock cabinet)
26)u will get a note ... put the medal through the door in the right order... unlock the door and u r free

Play Rulumomo Garden

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