Save the Earth Walkthrough

-see mystery's post (gather all items in your area).
-use the key from the spider to leave your room.
-use the key from the pillow to enter room 2
-click on the table to zoom in and use the arrow to go right and pick up the rope
-leave room 2 and go left, repair the stairs with the rope, use the flashlight when it says it's too dark, and wait for the map sequence to finish.

-enter mom's house to the right.
-click on the back left chair's cut to reveal a key.
-turn right and use the key on the right-most door.
-click on the bottom of the sink drain to reveal another key. leave.
-use that key on the far left door
-click on the top left cabinet, open the door, and click on the single plate to get another key. leave.
-use the last key on the 2nd from right door.
-click on the grey fountain-looking thing on the book shelf and enter a red tunnel.

-enter the door on the right.
-click on the boxes on the bottom right and slice them with your knife and collect the strange device.
-click on the striped box with a hole on the left then click the red button.

-you'll find yourself on your bed with your table and you'll turn to talk to a robot. (click on the text to advance.)
-dismantle the robot with your wrench.
-you can look up to find a picture and some o's and the grey box on the right has more o's and some letters but i have yet to find out what this means.
-turn right twice, click on the grey area and find an upside-down pyramid. click on the outer (bottom) black boxes to reveal that picture with the yellow background. if you mess up by clicking on the other 3 in the middle, start over. the bottom pictures revealed, click on the eye on the bottom right.

-click on the upper right area then on one of the cicles on the bottom (it takes you back to the same part but gives you an arrow to go right).

-you can go left and enter the tunnel but i'm not sure what it does.
-go right and click on the area on the right and watch (and/or listen to) the yellow doll thing (probably an alien).

-click on the blue electric lock ahead then click on one of the blue bars. looks like that's a bad idea. instead, drag the strange device onto the lock and you go inside.

-go left and pick up the card
-go back right and click on the computer screen until it asks for your id card.
-notice the wavy part above the computer
-drag the camera on top of the wavy area and you get a picture.
-drag the card over the face and insert it in the computer.
-click on sequence 2 (earth defense). (if you do sequence 1, you lose in no spectacular way so don't bother.)
-it says the sequence is copied, to remove card, and hurry back to mom's house. Take your card from the computer.

-you have to click on that fountain thing again and there you find an alien asking for the sequence. give him the card with the sequence to defend the earth.

-go right twice and click in the empty spot and an alien shows up.
-click on him and grap the trowel.
-go to the right-most green pod and click the door open. there's a guy in there with a pattern you'll have to remember for later.
-go straight then up twice to climb the tower. go forward once and click on the sliver thing on the upper left. note the pattern on its side for later.
-go back right and enter the door and pick up the wrench.
-click on the picture on the wall (code later) then the back button.
-go straight forward again (the sliver thing on the left doesn't have anything on it). use the first pattern you were supposed to remember:
then click on the brown swirley and the light switches on.
-click the back button.
-go forward once then turn left
-go forward once and click on the silver thing.
-note the pattern: OIOOOI (not zeros and ones).
-go into the door and drag the wrench on the black circles.
-the switch (blue circle) now works so click it.
-click back
-go forward twice
-the silver thing doesn't have a clue so go into the door.
-this is where you use the pattern that was on the first silver thing:
where x=click
the light switches on.
-turn until you see the last light that is not on (the first one).
-go forward thrice and click on the brown/green picture. it asks for a code. recall the OIOOOI code and enter it in (remember-letters not numbers). the light comes on.

-go up the ladder 3 times.
-click on the far-left pod and pick up the symbol.
-do the same with the other pods (4 total).
-now dig into the ground in front of the pods and you find a pattern.
-remember the pattern:
1) 2 lines, sideways 8
2) sun-looking thing
3) parallel bars and infinity sign
4) circle with horns
Or just draw the pictures
-go forward toward the hut and enter the big plate-looking thing.
-place the symbols in the order of the pattern you found.
-click forward twice

-go right to the fireplace and click on it twice
-notice the pattern:
-click out.
-the desk has some strange writing on it but doesn’t seem to be of any help. If you’re there—go back.
-click right to the bookshelf and click in the center left to get a key.
-go back left to the ladder.
-click on the ladder and go up.
-here, you’ll find a keyhole. Drag the key on top of it and enter a room.

-click on the table in front of you. Notice 2 pictures.
-click on the left-most picture and enter the rock world.
-click forward twice and you see a pod with a door and what looks like a grey rug.
-click on the rug in the bottom right and there is a face with a jail thing and a blue button. -click the blue button so that the face is on the right side.
-click below the button to leave and enter the hut.
-click on the buttons and nothing happens.
-go left and you have to leave this place.
-go back right to the hut and click on the yellow (bottom) button to go back to the first room.
-go up the ladder and through the keyhole and click on the table again.
-click on the picture of that familiar door to enter (if you tried to click on this one first, nothing happens).
-click on the blue area to zoom in and use the pattern from the fireplace:
then click on the grate next to the bars on the left.

-you have found your mom. (click on the text to advance the conversation).
-click through the tunnel to go forward.
-click on the spaceship and then the ladder
-click on the circular thing ahead of you.
-your mom then goes nuts and disappears.
-that alien shows up again, wait for him to go away

-click on the rainy landscape.
-click forward 3 times toward the building
-remember the pattern shown.
-click on the pattern, click back into the building, and enter the pattern:
right, bottom, center, left
-go forward into the black hole.

-click right on the box and pick up the g-clef (I think)
-click left and note the color pattern of the red thing when you click it (red, blue, green, black, yellow)
-when I clicked on the black screen, the windows media player didn’t disappear (there are windows popups—just click through them). The 2nd time I tried clicking on it, I didn’t play the sound clips so the player didn’t come up and no popups. You will need to save the 2 clips you get (click out after you get the first one—then click back).
If you reverse the first, it says remember plus, plus, plus, plus, never minus (remember for later). The 2nd clip that says black and blue are bad for you.
-go left to the table with colored x’s on it. Click the x’s in the order of the pattern (but skip black and blue).
-click on the center and go back
-click on the door then turn left to the metal stand.
-click on the right pole and it will rotate. Match your music piece to the one that pops up.
It says: I lied to you! Do not press any of the symbols in the elevator…just push the button in the middle.
-click out and go to the yellow door that will now open.
-click it open and pick up the thing inside.
-click on the door again and you see a strange wavy thing
-drag the piece you got from the yellow door into the wavy part.

-some kind of pod pops up—go inside
-click on the plusses (I’m sure in any order) and then the center picture. It says something is wrong but click again
-navigate along the brown walkway and go through the mountain thing. You’re now in the sky.

-go right and there is a fountain with a z next to it. Go forward and fountain with nothing
-take that left to another fountain with an o. forward and a cross.
-go right to the sky.
-forward twice gets you to 4 boulders.
-forward once and you’re at a random, empty boulder.
-go right twice and you see:
Grey UO red
-click z o + then grey and you’re at an opening with a ladder (red with no codes brings you back to sky).
-go down

-click forward to the yellow balls and you have to “choose your destination”
-the left one has the painting that was in your room
-middle has the demon that looks like it’s a Doom character
-the left-most is your mom’s house

-clicking on the left says you’re at the wrong destination and you have to start all over again! Bad news (good thing I have 3 windows up!)
-clicking on the middle says the same thing.
-the right-most is when you save your mom and win the game.

Play Save the Earth

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