Shinto Shrine - Jinja Walkthrough

-Click on the left statue and get the green ball.
-Go back to the main screen.
-Click on the right statue and get the blue ball.
-Go back to the main screen.
-Go to the right and get the crowbar
-Go back to the main screen.
-Click the box under the rope, and keep clicking it until the secret compartment underneath is revealed.

-Get the box!
-Go inside the temple.
-On the right side of the cabinet thing (bottom), there is a key. This key does not open the mysterious box.
-See the purple cushion? Click on it, then click on the hole. Note the leak in the pipe.
-In the far left hand corner of the ceiling, there is a panel. Click on it and use the crowbar on it twice to open it.
-Go back to the inside screen of the temple.
-See where the panel fell down? Click on it to remove it, then get the doll from underneath it.
-Go back up into the secret room.
-Click the black and white decoration until it is moved completely aside.
-Grab the hammer.
-Look at the scrolls on the bookcase.
-Use the crowbar on the rock until it moves far enough aside to reveal a hole.
-Click the hole and pick up the mirror.
-Go back to the bottom part of the temple and go left.
-Use the key on the top drawer.
-Get the black tape.

-Use the key on the bottome drawer.
-Look at the diagram for a laser cooling system.
-Go left again.
-Click on the brown box in the corner.
-Read the paper. (The sun god retired in the cave called “Amano-iwato”).
-Click on the right yellow box’s top.
-Read that paper. (Ohkuninushi created the world with little deity “sukuna-bikona”).
-Go left again.
-Go back to the drawers and then return to this panel.
-Pick up the trowel.
-Go back to the pipe and use the black tape to fix the leak.
-When the water drains, pick up the key.
-Go back outside and find the well. (left)
-click the shiny thing! it’s a key.

-Use the key from under the pipe on the box and get a green thing.
-Go back inside the temple. Click the box directly in front of you.
-Place the mirror on the box, then the green thing.
-Go back to the main part of the temple.
-Click on the big statue’s right hand (your left)
-Place the little doll in it.
-There will be a little cutscene. His eyes will flash and now they will glow!
-Click the statue’s feet and note the symbol down there.
-Go back to the secret room again.
-Read the purple scroll.

-Notice how the diagram on the left looks like the path in front of the temple?
-Go to the front of the temple and click on that spot until the tile is moved completely aside.
-Use the trowel on the dirt.
-Click on the hole and get the bow and arrow.
-Note the symbols by the picture of the god.
-Go back into the temple and back to the drawers. Click the right hand side and note the symbols there.

-Go left and use the hammers on the circle symbols on both sides of the door.
-Hammer again on the left one to reveal some wires.
-Go back outside of the temple.
-On the righthand side of the temple, there is a locked box.
-Use the other key you have to open that box.
-Grab the new circuit and insert into the hole you made on the other side of the wall.
-Go back and flip the switches on.

-Go back to the outside front of the temple and click the ceiling where the beams converge.
-Note the symbols.
-Go back inside the temple and turn around.
-Click the gate.
-Use the bow and arrow on the white button at the top.
-A cut scene happens. The gate will grow taller and emit a signal.
-Go back outside.
-Click the bell until a rock falls out.
-Click the box underneath the bell and get the rock. Note that when you click on the rock once it’s in the inventory, it emits these yellow lines.
-Go inside the temple and use the rock to light the candle
-Go outstide left of the green lion where the cat is
-Use hammer with left stone you will get two levers
-Go inside the temple
-put the levers on the yellow boxes left and right from the entrance
-activate them both
-Go outside and notice the raised lions
-Click on each of them an get a horn and a cylinder
-Activate the levers again and put the horn and the cylinder on the lions (horn:left, cylinder:right)
-Activate the levers again to raise the lions another time
-Go in the hole where you got the arrow and bow
-Use hammer on wall, get sword
-go inside the temple
-Put green thing, sword and mirror on the shrine
-Press button on shrine (the items opened it) a secret room opens
-use gun with candle
-use gun with the grey plate(left) several times to opened it. you’ll get an usb stick
-go into the secret room
-place green ball in left hole, blue ball in right hole
-put usb stick in slit
-click on green lines
-wait till everything loads and then type in the code. press enter
For the code:look at the symbols below the machine. Go to the main room and look at the drawers. click on the right side of the drawers. You will find the number corresponding to one of the symbols. The other symbols can be found next to the figures painted on the wall upstairs and in the cave. Look at where their right hand is pointing and think of them as hands on the clock to figure out the number they correspond to. The other symbol is on the roof where the lights intersect. Think of it as numbers on a clock again.

(it is 7641)

Play Shinto Shrine - Jinja

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