The Shochu Bar Walkthrough

Have a look around. Three tables left middle and right.
Visit right table, zoom in left chair and up to lamp. Move lamp to lower hook.
Go to middle table zoom in right chair and reveal a key and silver measure on table.
Swing round to view of end of bar and door. Go behind bar and get stuff out of fridges, use key for the ice and open trap door to turn on water.
Go back out and over to water vase. Go behind and turn on water.
Get spoon from vase.
Go to left table and zoom in to the bamboo screen and get bamboo.
Go left and wash bamboo in trough.
Examine bamboo (about item buttom) and make stilts.
Now you can examine the top cupboards using the stilts. Get glass and red syrup.
Middle table get lemon squeezer from above table.
Select the silver measure and open the bottom of the orange cabinet.
Get mixing glass and unlock the top cupboard where you will find a puzzle to solve to open a drawer for some white liquor.
Read book in inventory and get flower. Put flower in vase on bar.
Pretty, make a dream cocktail......

Play The Shochu Bar

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