1. Pick up brown tube
2. Use tube to undo purple guy's chain
3. Give tube to purple guy.
4. Take purple guy's item and use it on that cyllindrical thing on the right to make a switch. Pull the switch.
5. Take empty glass container from the foreground and put it to the bottom of the box with the onion-shaped guy in it.
6. Remove the hose from the foreground by the frog-like creature's jar and use it on the conduit above the purple guy.
7. Take the jar, which now has a bug in it, put it in the empty box by the computer and press the button.
8. Mix the purple color by touching the three jars like so: blue, yellow, red, blue.
9. Put purple stuff in the hole where you got the hose
10. Take the now-purple frog-like creature and give it to the big purple guy, who will use it as cologne.
11. Touch the panel behind the purple guy and go through it once he opens it. And you're done!
Play 3Wish No.5 Part 3
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