Pick up the bar in the hay
Get the note under the bowl
Get the lockpick in the lower right corner of the wall
Pick the lock
Quickly switch to the bar and beat the guard with it
Take the blue key
Open the room ahead on the left with the blue key
Grab the shades by the lower right corner and open and shut a few times until you see a key on the sill
Get the jeep key
Click on the jacket until a grey key falls on the ground
Pick up the gray key
Open the middle drawer of the desk with the grey key and get the gun
Leave the room
Turn to the right
Prepare the gun
Enter the door on the right and immediately turn left and shoot the guard
Move the boxes behind him to get the bomb
Grab and put on the uniform
Leave the room
If hurt, enter the door down the other hall and get the medical packs
Facing main hall, go in the door on the right
Turn around until facing the table with the vase
Get out the bomb, place on table and leave room
Wait until bomb explodes, reenter room
Get paper with safe combo off dead poker player
Go back to the room with the safe, open, and take contents
Leave facility and use key on jeep
Play Krdzd
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